Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Friday January 7th, 2022 the first meeting of the year!

 Alright sports fans, lets get the year started with some righteous hacks.  Bring your new years project list and lets get hacking!  We will be holding the meeting in hybrid remote, come visit in person at the Oak park mall at 6pm in the Barnes and Nobel book store coffee shop. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

December 2021 KC 2600 meeting

 Here ye, here ye!

The Kansas City 2600 meeting will be held virtually on the SecKC Discord and at Oak Park Mall bookstore coffee shop at 6pm on Friday December 3rd 2021.  Bring your projects and stories for all to see and hear!

See you then!

Friday, October 29, 2021

November 2021 KC 2600 meeting

Friday November 5th we will be meeting physical and in virtual on the SecKC Discord.  If you have a hankering for Coffee and Hacks drop in at 6pm at the Oak Park Mall Barnes and Nobel!  If you are stuck at home or at the "office" hope in the Seckc Discord #2600_Meating channel to say hi!  See you there!

Friday, October 1, 2021

October 2021 Meeting - Hybrid?

Sorry for the late notice. Friday the 1st is one of those sneaky-sneaky 2600 meeting dates. We'll likely have the 2600 room open in the SecKC Discord, but some of us should be at the usual meeting spot, at the coffee shop inside Barnes & Noble at Oak Park Mall. See you around 5pm CDT!

Friday, August 27, 2021

September 2021 - Virtual Meeting

Howdy, folks. Ax0n here. Even though DefCon and last month's 2600 meeting overlapped one another, we still had a good turn-out, and even had one first-timer. The current pandemic situation in the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area is not looking too good. Many hospitals are full of COVID patients and understaffed. Folks who are fully vaccinated are still getting sick. We continue to monitor this situation on a month-by-month basis.

We feel that it is our responsibility to not contribute to the problem. As such, the #2600-Meating channel on the SecKC Discord Server will be open during the normal 2600 meeting time, next Friday, September 3rd, 2021 at 5:00 PM CDT, and we will have a virtual video/audio meeting. As has happened in the past, some participants may opt to show up to the usual meeting spot, but the official meeting is online for September 2021.

We'll see you there!

Friday, July 23, 2021

Reminder - August 2021 meeting co-insides with Def Con

 Reminder - August meeting co-insides with Def Con which is a national information security conference.  So a-lot of us will be out of town.   Drop me a line if folks want to meet up at defcon (asmodianx at hotmail dot com).  For those who still want to meet up there is the SecKC Discord channel or if you want to meet in person at the Oak Park Mall Barnes and Nobel.

Hack the planet!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

July 2021 Meeting

 This will be a hybrid meeting with audio and discussion in the SecKC discord and meeting at Oak Park Mall Barnes and Nobel at 18:00 Friday July the 2nd. 

See you there!

Friday, June 4, 2021

News From The Mothership

The official stance from 2600, as of a year ago or so, was that in-person 2600 meetings be suspended until further notice. That prompted us to go virtual and hybrid over the last year. An update was posted this week by the staff of 2600 Magazine that hints at a phased approach to a return of in-person 2600 Meetings.

You should go read the entire article, but some highlights follow:

We do ask that people not come to meetings if they haven't been vaccinated, as this will put both themselves and others at potential risk. We don't want anyone acting as enforcers for this policy; it's important that attendees act in a responsible and trusting manner. If, for whatever reason, you don't feel comfortable, please don't force yourself to stick around. Remember, this is new for all of us.


Of course, virtual meetings will continue where desired until people feel completely safe congregating in groups. What we advise (and remember, this is only advice, not a mandate) is for attendees to continue wearing masks inside if you don't know for sure that everyone is vaccinated or if you're in a space where lots of strangers are passing by. If you're in an area where everyone is happy to say they're vaccinated and there are no strangers whose status is unknown in close proximity, then you're probably just fine not wearing a mask. Let's try and be a model to the rest of society and not make any of this a contentious issue.

While our region is doing alright this week, I don't feel like this is too much to ask. Starting in July, barring worsening conditions, we plan to ramp back up with official in-person gatherings at the Starbucks inside Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Oak Park Mall, beginning at 5pm on the first Friday of each month. Note that some folks show up closer to 6pm, and the informal nature of our meetings accommodate that.

Attendees should follow state, local, and establishment mask requirements as they exist at the time of arrival. Barnes & Noble was still requiring a mask last time I visited the store, despite state requirements having been lifted, but that may change by July 2nd, 2021. If you show up, we will assume that you are free of symptoms and vaccinated, or that there is a medical reason that you cannot be vaccinated, and have not been in the past 2 weeks knowingly exposed to COVID-19, nor participated in any high-risk activity without having been tested no more than 24 hours prior to attendance. We see no reason to require proof of vaccination or testing, but ask that you attend virtually if either you are concerned about the risk of in-person gatherings, you have participated in high-risk activity, or you have any symptoms -- even if they may be caused by something else such as allergies, for everyone's safety and peace of mind.

For the foreseeable future, we will continue to have a virtual presence at our monthly meetings via the SecKC Discord Server, in the #2600 channel and in the #2600_Meatings voice/video chat. If no one is on the voice channel during the scheduled meeting time, send out a ping in #2600 and we should be able to open it up. We're all in this together and we look forward to hearing from you regardless of how you choose to meet with us.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 2021 KC 2600 meeting

 It's that time again!  Time for 2600.

We will be meeting in hybrid virtual again this month.  

Bring your l33t projects to talk about!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

May 2021 meeting

 The May 2021 meeting will be a hybrid meeting held at Oak Park Mall in Overland Park at 6pm on May 7th.

All are welcome to join, don't forget your masks!

We will have a round table discussion on the state of privacy and new hacks.  You can join in using the SecKC discord #2600_meating.

Friday, April 2, 2021

April 2021 KC 2600 meeting Hybrid virtual meeting

 We will be meeting both in person and virtually today at 6pm at the Oak Park Mall Barnes and Noble coffee shop.  Hop in to the seckc Discord #2600_meating to say hello otherwise we will see you there!

Discussion Topics:

  • Care and feeding of a multi SIEM environment
  • Data enrichment and automation

Thursday, March 4, 2021

March 2600 meeting

 Its that time again!

Come join us at the oak park mall in person or in virtual via the seckc #2600_meating room.

Topics this meeting are Tech group/Hacker space "killer apps." meetings like ours and other community organizations need to re-evaluate what to focus on and figure out what new needs we all have in this Work at home, play at home world.

Tech discussion:

  • Infosec tool talks
    • Open source SIEM's 
    • Analysis tools

Friday, February 5, 2021

February 2021 Meeting

 Come one come all (or attend virtually), the February 2021 Kansas City 2600 meeting is meeting today(Feb 5th) at 6pm!


  • Job hunting round table
  • Zettelkasten or building a 2nd brain (aka paper wiki)

We will be holding our normal meeting in meat space at Oak Park Mall in the Bookstore coffee shop.  In virtu meeting will be audio in Discord SecKC #2600_Meating.  (If you are not a part of seckc discord click here)  

At 16:30 CST According to Ax0n there is a national/international? Mozilla Hubs meeting, if your interested check it out.

Friday, January 1, 2021

January 2021!

 We made it! Happy new year.

No in person meeting this month due to weather conditions.

Join us at 6pm on Seckc discord channel #2600_Meating!
